Thursday, April 19, 2012

It's For Me?!

I have to say this semester has been a study in unusual activities. Thank YOU Sydney Bontrager! One of the more unusual activities we did was a trade fair.

The trade fair took place during our class time and what we did was very one brought in items they didn't want or thought other people would like. The items were laid out on the table and the students were able to walk around and look at all the items. Once that was accomplished the trading began.

The trading started off kind of slow but as it went on it began to pick up speed. People were trading this for that and that for this. It was so interesting to see what some of the hot ticket items were. Art was a big deal for this class. There were paintings and statues; they all went very quickly.

At the end of the trade fair I had traded a scarf for some books (I was so excited). I ended up with Tuck Everlasting and another book (which I can't recall the title of right now). But even better than the books, was the learning that took place. I got to learn about the other people in the class and about what they valued.

This is something I would love to do in my own classroom.

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